A Study of Psychometric Properties of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) and its Relation to Academic Achievement
Subject Areas : PsychologyMohsen Afshar 1 * , Elahe Hejazi 2 , Javad Ejei 3 , Nahid Sadeghi 4
1 - Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, University of Tehran, I.R.Iran
2 - University of Tehran
3 - University of Tehran
4 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Future Time Perspective Scale, time attitude, academic achievement, confirmatory factor analysis,
Abstract :
The present study aims at investigating psychometric properties of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) among a sample of senior high school students and to determine its role in predicting their academic achievement. To this end 527 senior high school students in Karaj (city in Alborz Province) during the school year 2015-2016, were chosen using stratified proportional sampling and completed a questionnaire which consists of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) and futurist present subscale. Exploratory factor analysis demonstrated that the structure of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) after varimax rotation was clearly indicated the existence of four independent factors that is almost consistent with Husman and Shell (2008) classification of the items but second-order confirmatory factor analysis showed insignificant factorial load of extension component on future time perspective construct. Therefore, we can conclude that future time perspective of Iranian students only consist of three components: connection, value and speed. The results indicated acceptable reliability of FTPS. Regression analysis showed that these three factors significantly predict student's academic achievement.
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