Conceptualization of Students’ Academic Passion in Mathematic based on Qualitative Study of Foundation Data
Subject Areas : Psychology
Mahsa Saleh Najafi
Elahe Hejazi
Parvin Kadivar
Masoud Gholamali Lavasani
1 - University of Tehran
2 - University of Tehran
3 -
4 - University of Tehran
Abstract :
The purpose of present study was to investigate the concept of academic passion in math among adolescence. Therefore, this investigation attempts to study conceptualization of academic passion in math from the perspective of adolescents with a qualitative method, interviews with focus group, and grounded theory approach. Participants in this study were 51 adolescents (24 girls and 27 boys).Three focus group were composed in female student’s school, and four groups were constituted in male student’s schools. The results regarding student’s academic passion in math were categorized in four categories of “intent to engage in the activity”, “positive emotions”, “future perspective and identification with activity” and “need for cognition”. Also the results were related to factors affecting academic passion in math categorized in three categories of “family”,“teacher” and “individual features” and finally results were related to consequences of academic passion in math categorized in 5 group “resiliency”, “hope”, “information processing styles”, “self-efficacy”, “subjective well- being”.
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