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        1 - Standardize the Vienna Matrix Test for Iran (WMTI) for Students between Ages 13-18 Years
        Javad Ejei Masoud Gholamali Lavasani Marzieyeh Rezaiee Zahra Akbari
        Current study was conducted to standardize Vienna Matrix Test for Iran (WMTI). For Iranian students between ages 13-18. Intended population in this study was all students (males and females) who were studying in middle and high schools during the academic year 2010-2011 More
        Current study was conducted to standardize Vienna Matrix Test for Iran (WMTI). For Iranian students between ages 13-18. Intended population in this study was all students (males and females) who were studying in middle and high schools during the academic year 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Multistage random sampling procedure was used to select 2849 students (1267 male and 1582 female) from five province in Iran: Tehran, Khorasan-e-Razavi, Kermanshah, GiIan, and Bushehr. At the beginning Formans original from that was based on Rasch's statistic model was administered on student population. From 42 statements 28 statements were selected based on the model and was used for Vienna Matrix Test for Iranian (WMTI). Norm tables for the age group 13 to 18 were developed. Finally mean differences between girls and boys was calculated by means of one-way analysis of variance. Result showed the age and gender effect. Intelligent quotient increased as chronological age increases. Girls also were higher than boys in intellectual functioning in overall Manuscript profile