Efficacy of Sternberg Triarchic Instruction to Improve Reading Skills in Dyslexia Students
Subject Areas : Psychology
Masumeh Farsinejad
Elahe Hejazi
Javad Ejei
1 - University of Tehran
2 - University of Tehran
3 - University of Tehran
Keywords: triarchic instruction, successful intelligence, reading skills, dyslexia,
Abstract :
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of triarchic instruction method to improve reading skills in dyslexic students. In order to achieve the goal of the study, 12 second to fifth grade students were selected among children visiting Atieh and Ravanmehr therapeutic centers in Tehran city who were diagnosed with dyslexia. The diagnosis criteria were Woodcock- Johnson Reading Test, Integrated Visual and Auditory Test (IVA) and diagnostic interview. Students were assigned to experimental and control group randomly. The experimental group passed sixteen 1.5 hour sessions for ten weeks learning to read through the method suggested by Sternberg. Significant improvement in all three reading subtests (fluency، phonology، and knowledge and information) of post test showed. The follow up test conducted three months later also indicated that the experimental group had an increase in the scores of reading.
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