• Pakdaman.Majid Development and validation of the maladaptive academic perfectionism scale (MAPS) [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • pakizeh.Ali The effectiveness of intervention cognitive bias modification towards smoking symptoms on Risky decision making and Inhibitory control of smokers [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Pakook.Zahra Effectiveness of cognitive emotion regulation training on self-esteem and self-awareness of female students with emotional failure [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Parvin Ashtiani.Nasibeh Applying the Personality Organization Model in Distinguishing Levels of Job Burnout Among Municipal Employees [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • pordel.morteza Developing and validation of the procrastination in prayer scale (PPS) [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]
  • pourtaleb.narges Effectiveness of Teaching Acceptance and Commitment on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms and Generalized Anxiety of Students [ Vol.28, Issue 3 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • pourtaleb.narges the relationship between parents' parenting styles and the perceived stress of sixth grade female students in Tabriz city [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]