• abosaeedi.soheil The Relationship between perceived parenting styles and cognitive flexibility in university students: the mediating role of identity styles [ Vol.28, Issue 3 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Abullahi Baqrabadi.Ghasem The effectiveness of child-centered mindfulness training on resilience and academic vitality of students with specific learning disorders [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Adibrahnama.Fatemeh the mediating role of internet gaming disorder symptoms in the relationship between loneliness and social anxiety with mind wandering. [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • aghaei.Asghar Comparing the Effectiveness of Mother-Adolescent Efficient Interaction Training Package and Emotion Regulation Training on Loneliness Feeling and Cognitive Flexibility among Female Adolescence [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • ahmadi.sedigheh Evaluation of the moderating role of Attachment Styles in the relationship between Perceived Partner Responsiveness and Marital Intimacy [ Vol.28, Issue 3 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • akbari.shadi The effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation intervention on the cognitive functions of attention and memory [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • AkbariNejhad.hadi A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Logotherapy with Acceptance & Commitment Therapy on Death Anxiety and Quality of Life in Women with Breast Surgery Experience [ Vol.28, Issue 1 - Spring Year 1403]
  • AkbariNejhad.hadi The Effectiveness of Emotion-focused Couple Therapy on Forgiveness and Sexual Intimacy of Women Affected by Marital Infidelity [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]
  • AkbariNejhad.hadi Effectiveness of Teaching Acceptance and Commitment on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms and Generalized Anxiety of Students [ Vol.28, Issue 3 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Alizadeh Asli.Sajjad The effectiveness of sensory-motor integration exercises on balance performance in children with autism spectrum disorder [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Ameri.Narjes Structural relationships of emotional inadequacy and tendency to risky behaviors in adolescents: the mediating role of psychological flexibility [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Asadi Younesi.Mohammad Reza Development and validation of the maladaptive academic perfectionism scale (MAPS) [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Asadi Younesi.Mohammadreza Developing and validation of the procrastination in prayer scale (PPS) [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Asadpour.Esmail Evaluation of the moderating role of Attachment Styles in the relationship between Perceived Partner Responsiveness and Marital Intimacy [ Vol.28, Issue 3 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Asadpour.Esmail The mediating role of forgiveness in the relationship between relational masters and marital quality of women faced with husband's breach of contract [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • AsghariAbrahimAbad.MohammadJavad Developing and Validation of Couples therapy Package Focused on Improving Relationship Disengagement in marriage [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • atashafrouz.Askar The test of the model of mindfulness and perception of the classroom environment with boredom and academic incivility with the role of a mediator of wisdom [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]
  • atashafrouz.Askar Examining the relationship model of academic engagement based on family functioning with the role of mediator responsibility and academic hope in first high school students [ Vol.28, Issue 4 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Azadi.Mahmod Effectiveness of cognitive emotion regulation training on self-esteem and self-awareness of female students with emotional failure [ Vol.28, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1403]